Tuesday 15 March 2016

Reflection 1 : History of CALL

The class was very lively. Our lecturer was teaching at her best rate.In this lesson we have learnt that there are three stages in CALL. They are:1. Behaviorist2. Communicative3. Integrative


We learnt that the stage of Behaviorist CALL is closely related to behaviorism. This means the proponents believe that learners will only give their response if there is stimulus in the classroom. Basically behaviourist thinks students know nothing. (Haha... Most probably true :P) They believe the  learners are regarded as passive.  Therefore, they perceived computers as tutors to the learners. The computers will be the one assisting in giving information. Typically what most students would do right? We think that this is partially true in the Malaysian context. The attitude of the Malaysian students are bound to sociocultural practice that they are shy to express their own ideas and thoughts. Awh... Come on... We're not thaaatt shy right? (I hope) Anyway... we're human not mice. So we would probably break free from the clutches of behaviourist soon. LOL


Well this one is a little bit different. It is communicative theory. The proponent of this stage believe that the learners have a lot of knowledge in their mind. (Means we are awesomely smart yo!) So, they focus on learners-centered approach. They do this by letting learners learn how to solve problems. In a way, computers complement learners in learning language. however, we think this approach is not applicable to all students since each of them have their own learning style and strategies. Some of them may not favour group activities and discussion. Nevertheless, participating in this type of activity is very useful regardless what type of learner they are. Well it did good to us did it? :)


The third stage of CALL is integrative that highlights two ways interaction between teachers and learners. The main idea of this approach is to expose the learners to the use of authentic language. In advent of technology, the sky is the limit. ( or maybe yourself is the only limit) We are highly agreed to this approach as in current situation many English learners are unable to articulate well even in daily basis conversation. So, this kind of approach would be very helpful in polishing the learners’ proficiency.

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