Monday 21 March 2016

Reflection 4: Original Lesson Plan

Topic:                         Dream Vacation
Language skill:          Essay writing: Descriptive writing
-          Language focus: Adjectives, simple present tense, simple future tense, modal verbs, hypothetical sentences, conditional clauses and if-clauses
Level of students:      Form 5 secondary school students with intermediate language level
Time:                          2 periods. (40 minutes + 40 minutes)
General objective:     To expose students to descriptive essay writing.
Learning outcomes:  At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1)      Brainstorm ideas on writing about their dream vacation.
2)      Use adjectives in describing their dream vacation.
3)      Write short sentences using simple present tense, simple future tense, and modal verbs about dream vacation.
4)      Write complex sentences using hypothetical statements, conditional clauses and if-clauses.
5)      Write a 150 words paragraph.  
6)      Write a 350 words descriptive essay.
Teaching aids:           Power point slides
Social networking sites – YouTube and
Assessments:              1.Writing five short sentences.
                                    2. Writing five complex sentences.
                                    3. Writing short paragraph.
                                    4. Writing descriptive essay.

1.      Greetings
1 minute
-          Give salam to the students
-          Ask students to recite doa before starting the lesson
-          Ask “How was your weekend?”
In their respective seats

2.      Briefing
2 minutes
-          Briefly inform the students how the lesson is going to be conducted.
1.      Introduction:
-          Watch video
7 minutes
Introduce the topic for the lesson
-          “My Dream Vacation”
Show a downloaded video from YouTube to the students. ( )
-          Instruct students to focus on the name of the places in the video.
Watch the video.
2.      Group work
-          Write 5 short   sentences using simple present tense, simple future tense and modal verbs.
-          Write 5 complex sentences using hypothetical sentences, conditional clauses and if-clauses.
20 minutes
Divide the students into groups of 4.
-          Give two examples of sentences that use each tenses and modal verbs.
-          Give two examples of sentences that use each type of complex sentences.
-          Instruct students to write 5 sentences using simple present tense, simple future tense and modal verbs.
-          Instruct students to write 5 complex sentences using hypothetical sentences, conditional clauses and if-clauses.
-          Show slides on questions that students can use for ideas regarding the topic.
-          Ask suggestions on other questions that might help.
-          Sit in a group of four and discuss.
-          Write 5 sentences using simple present tense, simple future tense and modal verbs.
-          Write 5 complex sentences using hypothetical statements and conditional clauses.
3.      Sharing
10 minutes
-          Choose 3 groups to read their sentences out loud and correct their mistakes.
-          Praise students when they write a good sentence.
-          Read out their sentences
4.      Browse pictures and videos on
12 minutes
-          Instruct students to start browsing pictures and videos on individually.
-          Facilitate students while they watch their selected pictures and videos.
-          Instruct students to construct mind maps of ideas for their dream vacation.
-          Explore videos and pictures in the website individually to generate ideas for their assessment.
-          Construct mind maps of ideas for their dream vacation.
5.      Write 150 words paragraph individually
25 minutes
-          Instruct the students to start writing.
-          Remind the students the duration given to write.
-          Facilitate the students while they are writing.
-          Collect students’ works.
-          Inform homework of 250words descriptive essay on “Me in 10 Years”.
-          Write a 150 words paragraph on the topic.
6.      Recap
3 minutes
-          Mention again briefly the main points of the lesson.
-          Use previous slides if needed.
-          Sit at their respective seats.
Sample of sentences:
1) If I have enough savings, I would like to travel to Japan because Japan is the country of my favourite animation, Anime.
2) I would love to go to Korea in the time of winter as I never experienced winter in my life.
3) It is interesting to know that there are varieties of foods with different tastes in Australia.
4) Not all people got a chance to go for a vacation. But if I were given a chance, I will definitely go with my family and spent most of my money on food as most of my family members love to eat.
Sample of sentences:
1) Where do you want to go?
2) Why did you choose to go there?
3) What are the interesting and unique places/ foods/ culture that they have?
4) Who do you want to go visit with?
5) When are you going to go there?
6) How do you plan to go there?

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